L’Œuvre In this challenge, we are given the following image: We just had to put it in an image steganography tool like Aperisolve to find the answer: The flag is 404CTF{C3z4m3_ouVr3_To1}
CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Radio | NAVI
NAVI In this challenge, we are given a raw audio file. We can hear the audio clearly when it is at a rate of 22050Hz. But it is like there is a voice on top of this audio. I tried different comb...
CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Radio | Ballistic Missile Submarine
Ballistic Missile Submarine We are given an audio file and told to set the frequency to 192 kHz. We can set the rate by clicking on the arrow near the audio file name: We now use the spectrog...
CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Radio | Avez-vous vu les cascades du hérisson ?
Avez-vous vu les cascades du hérisson ? In this challenge, we are given a raw audio file. When listening to it, we don’t hear anything… But looking at the spectrogram gives us quite the result: ...
CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Programmation | L'Inondation
L’Inondation In this challenge, we can connect to a netcat server and we will be prompted with the message «Allez, vite, il y a une pile de photos assez importante à traiter,comptes-moi le nombr...
CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Programmation | Des mots, des mots, des mots
Des mots, des mots, des mots In this challenge, we need to access a netcat server and create a code that will respect the different rules stated: The rule 0 is an example. It just ask us to s...
CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | IA | Le Petit Chat
Le Petit Chat First of all we need to understand a bit what the code does. The first part of the code just loads the ResNet50 model. This model is already trained. So we can’t modify any weight ...
CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | IA | De la poésie
De la poésie In this challenge, we need to recognise 6535 images and do something with them. I found a Google Colab that did some hand writting number recognition. I added this code at the end:...
CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Forensique | Pêche au livre
Pêche au livre In this challenge, we are given a Wireshark capture available here. To solve this challenge, we just have to dump all the file of the HTTP traffic like this: We can click then...
CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Forensique | Note de bas de page
Note de bas de page In this challenge, we are given a backup.pst file. PST (Personal Storage Table) files are a file format used by Microsoft Outlook to store email messages, calendar events, c...