BatBato's Blog

CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Reverse | L’inspiration en images

L’inspiration en images In this challenge, we are given this executable. We need to recover the RGBA float values of the painting. But when we look at the paining, either by extracting the image...

CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Hardware | Un réveil difficile

Un réveil difficile In this challenge, we are given this CIRC file. When we open it with Logisim, we can see the following: As we can see in the challenge statement, we need to print Un_c. So...

CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Hardware | Un courrier suspect

Un courrier suspect In this challenge, we are given this CIRC file. By looking on the internet, I found that the tool Logisim could open such files. When we open the file we get this: So we g...

CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Pwn | Un tour de magie

Un tour de magie In this challenge, we are given this zip file containing the source code and the compiled code. The compiled code is a WASM file. WASM stands for WebAssembly, which is a binary...

CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Pwn | La Cohue

La Cohue In this challenge, we are given an ELF executable available here. If we look at the code in Ghidra, we can see a canary function that prints the flag. The executable allows us to discus...

CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Pwn | L'Alchimiste

L’Alchimiste For this challenge, we are given this executable. We can open it on Ghidra and/or run it to understand how it works. Recognition As we can see, we have multiple options. I first...

CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Pwn | Je veux la lune !

Je veux la lune ! The challenge gives us the following code: #!/bin/bash Caligula=Caius listePersonnes="Cherea Caesonia Scipion Senectus Lepidus Caligula Caius Drusilla" echo "Bonjour Caligula,...

CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Stega | Odobenus Rosmarus

Odobenus Rosmarus In this challenge, the name was a hint: We now know that it is something in morse code, but what…. That is the question that I asked myself during long ours of thinking… The...

CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Stega | Les Félicitations

Les Félicitations In this challenge, we just have the above text. If we try to decode the morse, we just find LE CODE MORSE CEST SYMPA MAIS LA CA SERT A RIEN HAHA… Nothing helpful. But if they p...

CTFs | 404CTF_2023 | Stega | Le Rouge et le vert, avec un soupçon de bleu

Le Rouge et le vert, avec un soupçon de bleu In this challenge, we just have this image, but only the end is interesting: If we try to decode the text 76 321021089710332 115116581089795118 95...