This chall is just a basic ROT13 that we can decrypt using dcode:
SPAnosaurus In this chall we had 3 files but only the image was useful. The above code makes us understand that this is a recursive function. The image of the signals, as said in the chall desci...
T’es lent This chall is basically just about reading the source code. When we look at the website, we don’t see much, but in the source code, we find: So we jumpt to the URL /stage-generateur...
Tri sélectif This chall requires us to sort an array. But we don’t see the array (can’t know every values). We only can check two values to know which one is the greater, change the position of ...
CTFs | FCSC2023 | Intro | La_gazette_de_Windows
CTFs | FCSC2023 | Intro | SPAnosaurus