I haven’t tried much in this CTF, so this is the only WU that I will write. For this challenge, we need to recover the /flag.txt
As we can see, we have access to a website that print what is written in the latex
input on the left:
I tried some basic injections (found on PayloadAllTheThings like /input(/flag.txt)
, but this didn’t work as expected. After a bit of research, I found this StackExchange post. I then used the following payload:
% redefine \VerbatimInput
frame=lines, % top and bottom rule only
framesep=2em, % separation between frame and text
commandchars=\|\(\), % escape character and argument delimiters for
% commands within the verbatim
commentchar=* % comment character
And this gave me the flag: amateursCTF{th3_l0w_budg3t_and_n0_1nstanc3ing_caus3d_us_t0_n0t_all0w_rc3_sadly}