Home CTFs | 404CTF_2024 | Investigation Numerique | Tir aux logs

CTFs | 404CTF_2024 | Investigation Numerique | Tir aux logs

Tir aux logs

In this challenge, we are given a text log file of 56 lines. The first look we have at the file, it looks like someone is trying to do an SQLi:


There was two ways to solve it here. Either you understand SQLi or you look at status codes. I used the command cat access.log| awk '{print $7}' for better reading:


We can notice the admin"#&password=test. This allows to bypass the verification of the password variable for the user admin. As we can also see, we have a status code of 302 and right after a status code of 200 on the admin.php page. In the previous logs the pattern 302 before a 200 on the admin page refer to a successful connection.

The flag is 404CTF{?username=admin%27%23&password=test}

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